5 Types of Cosplayers You’ll Always See At Conventions
by percy99 / IGN.COM
I’ve been to two comic conventions last year and am about to go to one this year. As I look back at the pictures that I took at both events and even look at pics of events I didn’t attend, I noticed that there are certain types of characters in each and every one of those conventions; you can’t go to a convention without seeing cosplayers dressed up as these characters. I’ve narrowed the list to 5 and if you’re about to go to a convention for the very first time, be prepared to see people dressed up like…
To be more specific, there are two types of Star Wars characters you’ll see at every convention: Storm Troopers and Princess Leias. Oh, I’m not even talking about the regular Princess Leia (although seeing that would be a miracle); I’m talking about Slave Leia! Good luck trying to not see any of those characters at any conventions!
If you do see a Storm Trooper, the fun in finding one will be in trying to see how creative someone gets modifying the Storm Trooper uniform. I saw one at C2E2 last year dressed up like he/she was getting ready for summer.
There are other pictures around that have modified Storm Troopers as there’s one who was a zombie…
One that had Spider-Man colors…
And that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. With Slave Leia, I haven’t found anybody who went creative there; why should they? The Slave Leia costume is sexy all by itself, but if you’re fat, stay away from that costume; it does not look sexy on you at all!
You’re more likely to see somebody dressed as a Batman villain than as the caped crusader himself. Just like the comics, I’ve seen way more cosplayers dress up as a Batman villain than I have as Batman. Now, it’s not just any villain that I’m talking about; there are three villains that you’ll see plenty of in comic conventions.
For males, there’s only one villain you’ll see them dress up as: The Joker. It doesn’t matter if it’s the comic book version…
The Heath Ledger version…
Or even a creative version of The Joker…
You’ll never go to a convention without some guy dressing up as The Joker. I’ve seen a couple of women cosplay as The Joker (no not Harley Quinn, the actual Joker, but with their own spin of it of course), but that’s nothing compared to the guys; the rest are by the women.

Best one I could find. You’re welcome!
First up, you’ll see a lot of female cosplayers dressed up as Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn. Oh…my God! There are Harley Quinns galore and that’s only in two comic conventions I’ve attended! You’ll see the usual Harley Quinn in her original outfit…
You’ll also see the Batman Arkham Asylum version of Harley Quinn…
The Batman Arkham City version of Harley Quinn…
The nightgown Harley Quinn if you’re lucky…

Who wishes to see Harley Quinn in that position?
The New 52 version of Harley Quinn…
A creative version of Harley Quinn…

Harley Quinn getting her Slave Leia on!
And the list goes on. I found one Harley Quinn who didn’t have the make up on at all, but she was wearing a bikini swimsuit with the Harley Quinn design on it.
There’s something about Harley Quinn that makes female cosplayers want to dress like her; I have no idea what it is.

Maybe she knows? I&#Array;m afraid to ask.
So who’s the other Batman villain women love to dress as? If you think it’s Catwoman, then I’m sorry to tell you that it’s not her. Granted, I have seen some Catwomen at both comic conventions, but there weren’t that many. The Batman villain women love to cosplay as besides Harley Quinn is her best friend Poison Ivy. That’s like a wet dream galore for male comic book nerds!
I have no idea if she’ll be there this year, but the fact of the matter is you’ll never see a comic convention without Poison Ivy. It doesn’t matter if it’s original or not, if you’re a Poison Ivy fan, you’ll be happy to see not one, but many Poison Ivy cosplayers. Whatever you do though, don’t let your boners show. Also, sorry for the many Harley Quinn pics; I guess I love her that much.
You might think that DC is the only comic book that has multiple people cosplaying as one character, but Marvel does too. There are Spider-Man cosplayers, but there’s not that many. Even if there were, he’s not going to top…
I was not familiar with Deadpool until ItsJustSomeRandomGuy had posted his videos with Deadpool involved. I seriously thought that Deadpool was one funny character. He’s so funny in fact that a bunch of cosplayers will dress up like him no matter their gender. It’s so ridiculous!
I saw one Deadpool strapped…
I’ve seen a couple dressed as Deadpool without the mask on…
And I even saw a Deadpool wear a Brony shirt.
If you’re a Deadpool fan, you’ll feel right at home seeing a bunch of people being Deadpool. Seeing that this year Deadpool should have his first videogame released (and being voiced by Nolan North at the same time), expect more Deadpool cosplayers than ever before.
Speaking of videogames, here’s the next set of cosplayers you can’t go to conventions without seeing…
Unlike Star Wars and Batman villains, I won’t go into specifics as to which Mortal Kombat kharacters (I’ll continue to spell characters wrong for the duration of the Mortal Kombat entry) you’ll see, but know that for sure you’ll see a group of people dressed up as Mortal Kombat kharacters.
The Lin Kuei are popular kharacters in the Mortal Kombat universe, and so are the konoichi fighters like Kitana, Mileena and Jade. Other kharacters are a bonus, but rest assured, if you love Mortal Kombat, you won’t go to a convention without seeing a cosplayer dressed up as one, so you’re in good hands.
Now for the last one, I haven’t seen that many people dressed up like this group and it may be because of money issues, but you can see at least one person dressed up like this in every convention…
In case some of you people don’t know what Super Sentai is, then allow me to give you a different name, but this time in plural form…
Because of how much it costs to be a Power Ranger, you’ll probably not see that many people dressed up like one, but once you see one, that Power Ranger’s going to get a lot of attention.
The reason why I put down Super Sentai instead of Power Rangers is because at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con last year, I’ve only seen one Super Sentai/Power Ranger throughout the event and he was dressed up as GokaiBlue; the Gokaigers don’t have a Power Rangers equivalent yet. Last year at C2E2, I saw a guy dressed up as GokaiBlue…
I saw a guy dressed up as the Kiba/White Ranger in zentai form…
I saw a guy dressed as the Dragon/Green Ranger (although it looked incomplete as he didn’t have the suit)…
And I saw a guy dressed as the Tyranno/Red Ranger.
At this year’s C2E2, I’m guaranteed to see at least one Power Ranger/Super Sentai because I’ll be one.